Gone But Not Forgotten

Hello, you've landed on DATA eh? - Open Data Toronto's original blog space for data discussions. This is not an active blog at the moment but legacy posts are still here. Have a read ... you can still provide comments.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye 2009 ... hello 2010!

NOTE: This is content from the web re:Brand posts going back to November 2010. We have kept the re:Brand posts as a legacy archive but, on a go forward basis as of October, 2011, the new DATA eh? content takes over this space.

At a time when media and tweet-a-holics are presenting their highlights of the year's best moments,  I thought I'd weigh in with a few for us at the toronto.ca web re:Brand.
#5 - Refreshed home page
We kicked off our project in March with a new "jacket" for the front page.  I like to say it wasn't the full suit ... we were (and are) just trying on a new coat to get us started.  Lots of people interpreted it as a final design however. It's not. There was coverage on other blogs about it too (NOW, blogTO) - I'll provide a better summary in another blog in the new year.

#4 - Comments Wall
We introduced the Comments Wall with the launch of the refreshed index page. This represented the first time the City has allowed or solicited comment about the website (beyond having a webmail address). Not a revolution but a great first step in having our users help us along in the examination of toronto.ca.  To date, we've had 151 comments.  We do look at these by the way and are basing much of our approach to the new website  from your comments.

#3 - webbook
Although users outside of the City of Toronto walls can't see this, it's something we offered to staff as our own social media tool to use.  There's been several live chats with Deputy City Managers, the Medical Officer of Health (around H1N1) and our Information Technology heads. We have several regular bloggers and are just about ready to launch a phase 2 of the product that will allow even more options for engagement.  Webbook is our attempt to have staff get their feet wet in the social media milieu. We have just under 1000 subscribers at the moment which was our target in the pilot year.

#2 - Web Content Management
A dedicated team working on the implementation of content management tools has got working pages in place and we intend to begin the roll out in 2010.  This will appear seamless to users but represents a huge step in achieving the goals of a rebrand.  We'll be able to post content in a variety of ways and bring our "coding" up to snuff.  We're using "Vignette" Open Text to get the job done.

#1 - Open Data
Clearly the toronto.ca/open initiative is # 1 - a huge step in making government more transparent. As an outcome, we expect to see new apps show up that will benefit toronto.ca users.  We released more data in the launch than we thought we could and plan more releases through 2010.  We have lots of data of course and the expectations are very high from the developer community.  The website dataTO.org is contributing to the dialogue. If I have one wish for 2010 it's that we push ahead here and get users and issuers together more often to keep the momentum going.
Speaking of wishes, I guess that slides nicely into "resolutions" for the New Year.   I can only speak personally but I plan to be able to produce many more re:Brand "highlights" next year.  2010 is going to be awesome in scope for us.

Still time to contribute
I say this often here but we really need your support in the re:Brand process.  If you are really keen, why not agree to be a tester for us? We'll be talking to users directly as we introduce a toronto.ca/labs space for focusing on how the website may change.

If you're not exactly a keener, you can still comment here or on the Comments Wall. Personally, I'd prefer you to talk to me here since we can have an exchange of views beyond the 400 character limit on the Wall. We recently extended the Wall to 400 characters btw.

As always, the anonymous survey is really helpful in getting a handle on how you use the current site.

However you engage back, 2010 is the year to do so.  You know, they still ask in many marriage ceremonies if anyone has a reason why the couple shouldn't get married to "speak now or forever hold your peace".  2010 is the ceremony for us - we're listening - so speak now ...

Have a great and safe New Year!

Oh yeah, one other thing ... we just added a Toronto Innovation Showcase Behind the Scenes highlight reel to the YouTube channel.  This event was a big one and would be # 6 on the highlights list if I went beyond a top 5. Have a look:

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

US government blogging same questions as us ...

NOTE: This is content from the web re:Brand posts going back to November 2010. We have kept the re:Brand posts as a legacy archive but, on a go forward basis as of October, 2011, the new DATA eh? content takes over this space.

Like toronto.ca, The US government is rebranding their web presence. They aren't using the term "rebrand" but they are looking to address the exact same things we are. I'm keen to see what kind of response they get. I can see from their blog/forum they are getting pretty good take up.

It's interesting how many governments are seeing the need to engage users rather than force feed users - especially when it comes to change. It's a major shift in how we (they) do business.  Actually - a show of hands here - how many of you would have ever thought that the City of Toronto would start to open up its data?

As of November 2 we did - it's out there with more to follow.  I overheard it being said that the "genie is out of the bottle and it can't be put back in".  Indeed! And this happened largely because of community interest in having it happen. I'd go as far to say that the toronto.ca/open project is one of the first in what we see as a transition toward a user centric web.  Call it an early outcome of the re:Brand if you like, but it does show we are morphing from a closed ship to an open one with your input.

Our team has been yakking about this for a while but do you believe us yet?

The Year Ahead ...
If the "blog & comment" style isn't the best forum for you to talk to me about changing toronto.ca, here's what we plan for next year. In 2010, we are setting up focus groups, launching a beta "labs" space off toronto.ca, introducing content management tools so we can post content in varying ways and generally cranking up mainstream communication on what we are attempting. Want to have influence on what we do? You can read more about our timelines here.

For those who've taken their valuable time to offer comments on the blog since we started in September, thank you!

Be great for everyone reading who has an interest to officially follow the blog too.  That would be awesome.

Happy Holidays y'all.  

BTW, still needing comments on better search and better business

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Doing Business

NOTE: This is content from the web re:Brand posts going back to November 2010. We have kept the re:Brand posts as a legacy archive but, on a go forward basis as of October, 2011, the new DATA eh? content takes over this space.

Message to Business Owners:
For those of you coming from the TO Business newsletter - a special hello! As part of the web re:Brand project, we're focusing on the Doing Business portal of the toronto.ca website

We're realy amped up about making this process a user centric one. We're living by the credo that the user rules.  This is a change in our thinking and we need your opinions and thoughts to make the website come alive for you.

We want to hear first-hand about your experience using toronto.ca as a Business Owner. We can’t do as good of a job without you ... so please take a moment to engage here with us via comments on the blog. We want your feedback - good or bad - we want it all!

Perhaps ...
  • Tell us what you experienced opening a Business - did you visit the City’s website during that time?
  • How is your experience managing your business now? 
  • What happened when you applied for additional permits and licences, tried getting info on rules and regulations?
  • Tell us your story ... post a video response to our Doing Business series on YouTube
OR ...
  • Tell us how frequently you visit toronto.ca and why?
  • What information or services do you look for the most?
  • Do you usually find what you are looking for?
  • What could we improve on toronto.ca to make your life, as a Business Owner, easier? 
  • What is your ideal website (provide links for us to view)
One Account?
  • Would you be willing to register an account on City’s website?
  •  What if the account provided you with an easy and convenient way of updating your Business Information?  
  • What if the account provided the ability to pay bills and fees, without re-entering same information multiple times?  
  • What if you could find historical data (payment info/statements etc) and print these off as needed?  
  • How do you feel about setting up email reminders?
Too much work?
You can always fill out our poll on Preferred Way to Link with the City (at the top of all the blog pages) or just fill out the anonymous survey.

Have a look at what one business owner has to say:

This Part 1 of two parts

Make a comment and let's have a chat :0)

BTW, we still need input on Search

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# 23/2009
Post a comment ...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

SixthSense world ... buckle up!

NOTE: This is content from the web re:Brand posts going back to November 2010. We have kept the re:Brand posts as a legacy archive but, on a go forward basis as of October, 2011, the new DATA eh? content takes over this space.

If you wonder where we are headed in interaction with the virtual world check this out!

BTW ... still needing comments and suggestion on Better Search 

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No comments on Search?

NOTE: This is content from the web re:Brand posts going back to November 2010. We have kept the re:Brand posts as a legacy archive but, on a go forward basis as of October, 2011, the new DATA eh? content takes over this space.

We'd love to hear about your needs for search. I'm holding off on new posts 'till we get some thoughts. You can get the ball rolling now

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